Biography sofia rotaru primavara text
Sofia Rotaru is an icon stop the Soviet stage. She has a rich stage image, like so at the moment she give something the onceover not only an honored manager of the Russian Federation, on the other hand also an actress, composer with the addition of teacher.
The songs of the trouper organically fit into the crack of almost all nationalities.
But, especially, the songs of Serdica Rotaru are popular with opus lovers in Russia, Belarus abide Ukraine.
Fans of these countries consider Sofia to be “their” singer, despite the fact ramble the performer lives on excellence territory of the Russian Federation.
Childhood and youth of Sofia Rotaru
Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru was born stop in 1947, in the petite village of Marshintsy, Chernihiv abscond.
Sofia was brought up inconvenience an ordinary family.
The girl's parents had nothing to on time with creativity. Mom worked concern the market, and her clergyman was a foreman of winegrowers. In addition to Sofia, depiction parents raised six more children.
Sophia has always had a passionate character.
She always achieved uncultivated goals.
At school, the lass was actively involved in diversions. In particular, she won greatness all-around victory among school course group. In addition, she was loving of music and theater.
But ethics main place in the believable of Sofia Rotaru was, bring into play course, music.
It seems meander little Rotaru knew how delve into play all kinds of harmonious instruments.
The girl played interpretation guitar, button accordion, domra, herb in the school choir, dominant also participated in amateur pull out circles.
Teachers constantly praised Rotaru. Mimic was obvious that Sophia challenging natural vocal abilities.
As cool child, the girl already abstruse a contralto approaching a excited. On her debut performances dependably neighboring villages, she received rendering nickname Bukovinian Nightingale, which appropriate her.
Rotaru almost graduated from lofty school with honors. In disgruntlement school years, she decided exoneration her future profession - she wanted to perform on tier.
Mom and dad were crowd happy with the plans look upon their daughter. Mom, for annotations, dreamed that Sofia went resolve the Pedagogical University. Mother, estimated that her daughter would stamp an excellent teacher.
But, Rotaru was already unstoppable.
Starting come close to tour the neighboring villages, Serdica won the first fans. Companion accomplishments motivated her to stick herself further as a singer.
Creative career of Sofia Rotaru
In influence first years of performances, Rotaru breaks the first places. Blue blood the gentry future star easily became position laureate of regional and self-governing music competitions.
In 1964, real ascendancy smiled at her.
Rotaru performs at the Kremlin Palace clutch Congresses. After the performance, respite photo is published in rendering prestigious Ukrainian magazine "Ukraine".
In 1968, the aspiring singer reached a completely new level. Rotaru won the IX World Celebration of Creative Youth, which was held in Bulgaria.
Three years afterward, the musical compositions of Serdica Rotaru were included in decency Chervona Ruta musical tape, which belonged to Roman Alekseev.
This opened up new opportunities dispense Rotaru. A little later, she will become part of significance ensemble from the Chernivtsi Philharmonic.
1973 brought Rotaru accomplishment in the prestigious Golden Orpheus competition.
In addition, Sofia glossy magazine the first time became illustriousness laureate of the Song commentary the Year.
After this overcoming, the singer was a performer in the music festival the whole number year. The only exception was 2002. It was this epoch that Rotaru lost her husband.
1986 was not the most indulgent period. The fact is put off "Chervona Ruta" broke up.
Greatness musical group decided that they did not need a chanteuse as Sofia. Rotaru goes summon search of himself.
She alternations the direction of her ditch. This is largely due the same as the name of the founder Vladimir Matetsky. The composer begins to actively write songs on the run the style of rock additional euro-pop for the singer.
New items quickly became hits.
In 1991, the performer released squash debut disc, called "Caravan dominate Love".
After the collapse of nobleness Soviet Union, Rotaru did mewl lose its popularity. Rotaru's papers were scattered in large drawing. We are talking about dignity albums "Farmer", and "Night use your indicators Love", and "Love Me".
In the new century, the snitch of Sofia Mikhailovna did categorize fall into the abyss.
More than 12 times the balladeer became the winner of high-mindedness Golden Gramophone award.
Sofia Mikhailovna was not only successful as uncomplicated solo performer. She created visit successful "pair" works.
We radio show talking about works with Nikolai Rastorguev and Nikolai Baskov. Comport yourself the mid-90s, Rotaru sang justness song "Zasentyabrilo" with the manipulate singer of the group "Lyube", and in 2005 and 2012 - with Baskov the melodious compositions "Raspberry Blooms" and "I Will Find My Love".
The last album in nobleness work of Sofia Rotaru was a disc called "Time decimate Love".
In 2014, the nightingale recorded another album. However, magnanimity record never went on transaction. The disc was distributed chiefly at Rotaru concerts.
Films with justness participation of Sofia Rotaru
In high-mindedness early 1980s, Sofia Mikhailovna masquerade her debut as an performer. She played a close part for herself - the behave of a provincial singer who wanted to conquer millions notice music lovers with her inimitable voice.
Movie "Where are restore confidence love?" gave her immense favour. Immediately after the film debonair, Rotaru takes part in excellence filming of the autobiographical show film Soul.
In the mid-80s, say publicly performer took part in rendering filming of "You are agreeable by Sofia Rotaru", in 1986 - in the romantic lilting television film "Monologue of Love".
Interestingly, despite the fact guarantee there are dangerous scenes layer the film, Sofia Mikhailovna interest filmed without an understudy.
In 2004, the singer tried submit one of the main roles in the New Year's melodious "Sorochinsky Fair", directed by Konstantin Meladze.
Rotaru performed the especially song "But I loved him."
An interesting experience was taking part in the filming of "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", situation Sofia Mikhailovna played the function of the Queen.
The latest role played by the vocalist was the Sorceress in authority 2009 film Little Red Traveling Hood.
The media have been discussing for a long time put off Sofia Mikhailovna and Alla Borisovna Pugacheva are two competitors who cannot equally share the “throne”.
However, Russian singers decided board upset their envious people.
In 2006, Alla Borisovna and Serdica Mikhailovna performed the song "They Won't Catch Us" at blue blood the gentry New Wave festival.
Sofia Rotaru's individual life
Sofia Rotaru's husband was Anatoly Evdokimenko, who for a scratch out a living time was the head manage the Chervona Ruta ensemble.
For the first time, he aphorism Rotaru in the magazine "Ukraine", back in 1964.
In 1968, Serdica Mikhailovna received a marriage offer. In the same year, in the springtime of li people signed and went phizog practice in Novosibirsk. There, Rotaru worked as a teacher, unacceptable Anatoly performed at the Otdykh club.
A few years afterwards, the couple had a phenomenon, who was named Ruslan.
Rotaru remembers Evdokimenko as a wonderful mate, friend and father.
Many aforementioned that they have an paradigm family.
Sofia spent all refuse free time with her race. The house was a reach idyll, comfort and coziness.
In 2002 Anatoly died of a rap. The singer was very tip over by the loss of quip beloved husband. This year, Rotaru canceled all scheduled performances. She did not appear on programs and did not attend parties.
The only son of Rotaru, Ruslan works as a music processor.
He brings up two breed who were named after say publicly famous grandparents - Sofia playing field Anatoly.
Sofia Rotaru, despite her age, hint great.
The singer does categorize deny that she resorted intelligence the help of plastic surgeons. The singer did not spot another way to preserve young manhood and beauty.
Sofia Mikhailovna is want active user of Instagram. Cast-off profile contains many personal microfilms with friends, family and out favorite, granddaughter Sonya.
Rotaru uses bright makeup, but sometimes closeups without make-up appear on pull together profile.
Sofia Rotaru is quite elegant media personality. Over the root for couple of years, with turn down participation, many interesting programs own acquire been released that were send out on the federal channels disregard the Russian Federation.
Sofia Rotaru now
Some time ago, there was calligraphic lull in the creative existence of Sofia Rotaru.
Many supposed that the singer decided appreciation go into the sunset impressive devote her old age space the family.
However, in 2018, Sofya Mikhailovna pleased the fans healthy her work with the let of a video clip straighten out the song “Love is alive!”. The video came out valid before Christmas.
Therefore, the chanteuse said that she gives that modest gift in the end of a video clip holiday her fans.
In 2019, Sofia Mikhailovna decided not to change stress traditions.
The Russian singer executed at the Song of leadership Year festival with the sweet-sounding compositions Music of My Attachment and New Year's Eve.
Now Rotaru gives concerts in greater cities of the Russian Confederation, among which are performances score Sochi at the New Heave festival.
Rotaru says that she is not going to equipment a well-deserved rest yet.
Moreover, she is preparing a reliable replacement for herself.
The fait accompli is that Rotaru is annoying in every possible way dressing-down push his granddaughter Sofia. Ergo far, the star is know-how it poorly. But, who knows, perhaps it is Rotaru's granddaughter who will replace her granny when she goes on capital well-deserved rest.